Celebrating 25 Years in Business   Home  |  Pianos  |  Comments  |  Feedback  
Home of the one and only Fandrich Vertical Action that plays like a grand.

We would be delighted to have you come visit our factory direct workshop and brand new studio.

We're forty-five miles north of our old store front in Lake City. The last twenty-five of those miles are traffic free and you travel through the still rural and picturesque Stillaguamish River Valley.

We love to have people stop by and play our pianos. Everyone who works here is actively involved in building, engineering, or rebuilding pianos. We dislike pressure sales tactics, and depend on our pianos to sell themselves.

Please contact us by e-mail at fandrich@fandrich.com
"The Fandrich & Sons piano I played on a recent concert at the Seattle Art Museum really took me by surprise. I had not played one before and didn't know what to expect but I was pleased to find a wonderful instrument whose action was responsive and whose tone was warm and singing in all registers. As a performing jazz pianist I always enjoy playing, but often it is despite the instrument at hand. On this occasion it was because of the piano. I look forward to playing Fandrich & Sons pianos in the future."

-- Pete Malinverni
New York City. www.petemalinverni.com